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GR5188-01Need to repair crash damage to a Multi-rotor flight board or add pin outs to any other electronics project?
These header pin blocks use the industry standard spacing of 2.54mm and are designed for soldering directly into printed circuit boards (PCB's). They are supplied in 30 pin lengths which can be easily cut to seperate individual pins.
There are 3 strips per pack.
會員名稱 | 購買數量 | 購買時間 | 訂單狀態 |
myj***** | 2 | 07-06 | 成交 |
gc5***** | 1 | 04-18 | 成交 |
sha***** | 1 | 12-06 | 成交 |
cup***** | 2 | 04-15 | 成交 |
nic***** | 1 | 02-15 | 成交 |
sun***** | 1 | 08-25 | 成交 |
tan***** | 1 | 01-30 | 成交 |
hua***** | 1 | 03-25 | 成交 |
hua***** | 1 | 03-21 | 成交 |
mar***** | 1 | 02-02 | 成交 |