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Quanum FPV 4.3吋頭戴視頻眼鏡 DIY 套件組/不藍屏

  • 商品貨號:GR5020-04
    商品庫存: 10+  
  • 商品品牌:HobbyKing
  • 商品點擊數:13176 累計售出:12
  • 本店售價:$1650元
    會員評價: comment rank 5
  • 商品總價:
    購買此商品可獲得積分:165 紅利
  • 購買數量:
    可用紅利折抵部分現金:16500 紅利
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Quanum is brining FPV to the masses with the DIY FPV Goggle kit! It&rsquo。s time you start flying RC with a birds eye view and a sense of flight. Until now, an immersive FPV experience through goggles was out of reach for some. No longer is a cost a barrier between you and the blue sky above.

The Quanum FPV goggle kit is based around a custom built 4.3in NON-blue screen monitor, providing a clear, bright, non blue image in even the worst of conditions. It contains a custom Fresnel lens, making the monitor crystal clear with a minimal viewing distance. 。 An ergonomic housing was custom molded to house the monitor and the lens, with adaptability to cater to various face types. The molded housing is made from EPP foam allowing you to carve and adjust the fit just right to your face and finishing it off with foam strips for a light tight seal. The goggles come with adjustable securing side straps and provisions for even a top strap. The top housing has a molded curved top for the option of attaching the goggle to the brim of your favorite ball cap for an even more custom DIY fit.

The monitor uses the common RCA style video in connections for video and audio, and has an included mini JST power adapter as well. The goggles can be switched between 16:9 or 4:3 aspect ratios and comes with 3 lenses included to find the most comfortable FPV viewing experience for you.

With the Quanum DIY google&rsquo。s large screen and broad immersive viewing angle, some will even prefer the view to other FPV options. The DIY kit is perfect to get into FPV or if you&rsquo。re a seasoned FPV pilot who wants to give a bigger screen a try for a new feel in the sky. You could even use them as back up goggles or ride along goggles for spectators!
*Check out the build video by clicking here*

Monitor screen: NON-Blue screen custom TFT LCD
Screen size: 4.3in (16:9 or 4:3 switchable)
Format: PAL/NTSC supported
Supply voltage: 7~13V
Resolution: 480px (w)
Fresnel lens: 3X and 4X included
Size: 140x95x120mm
Weight: 195g

*Note: This is the viewing goggles only, and needs to be paired with your favorite Video receiver, transmitter and camera for the full FPV experience.


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