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GR6432-01Aomway 採用高品質的硬式天線,即使折彎到 90 度也能定型,不會回彈,非常適合 FPV 需要定向,或調整天線角度使用!!
The Aomway Antenna Extension Cable (SMA Plug <。->。 SMA Jack) with flexible center section ensures easy positioning for optimum performance.
The flexible cable can be bent at a 90deg angle and will retain its shape making it ideal for goggles with horizontal outputs.
Interface: SMA Plug <。->。 SMA Jack
Resistance: 50R
Weight: 9.7 grams
Length: 82.5mm
One SMA Plug <。->。 SMA Jack Connector Cable
會員名稱 | 購買數量 | 購買時間 | 訂單狀態 |
彭***** | 1 | 02-22 | 成交 |
彭***** | 0 | 02-16 | 成交 |
rog***** | 1 | 09-02 | 成交 |
dav***** | 2 | 02-02 | 成交 |
han***** | 1 | 11-10 | 成交 |
dav***** | 1 | 05-05 | 成交 |
red***** | 1 | 04-24 | 成交 |
api***** | 2 | 04-15 | 成交 |
le8***** | 1 | 04-10 | 成交 |