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Quanum 二代 FPV 5吋頭戴視頻眼鏡 DIY 套件組/不藍屏

  • 商品貨號:GR5020-06
    商品庫存: 10+  
  • 商品品牌:HobbyKing
  • 商品點擊數:10917 累計售出:61
  • 本店售價:$2250元
    會員評價: comment rank 5
  • 商品總價:
    購買此商品可獲得積分:225 紅利
  • 購買數量:
    可用紅利折抵部分現金:22500 紅利
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Our latest version of the Quanum DIY FPV Goggles follow on from the successful version 1 goggles and incorporates some major changes, such as adjustable 3 position head straps, neoprene support glove, and integral storage pockets for Battery, FPV Video Receiver and Head tracker components. The new curved optics fix the hour glassing edges found when using larger LCD screens.

The newly manufactured monitor housing will make your immersive experience even better due to its re-contoured face cut-out with spacing for your nose and even glasses. The neoprene glove and better custom cut out areas for facial contact on the housing assist in making a light tight sea.
Imaging is done by an 800 x 480 super pixel display, and of course non-blue screen monitor that has an option for a forward looking camera using the integrated switching unit to enable you to attach any small FPV camera to the front of your goggles, allowing you to switch between the on board flight image or forward looking camera image making take offs, landings and simply looking for your radio even easier.

 &bull。 New design can be used with glasses
 &bull。 DIY FPV goggle kit for Head Tracker
 &bull。 5&rdquo。 TFT monitor, with curved 3X-magnifying lens for superior FPV experience
 &bull。 Lightweight EPP foam goggle case, designed for face fitting
 &bull。 Neoprene light seal
 &bull。 Focal length adjustment
 &bull。 Quanum Multi-purpose Neoprene goggle glove with pockets for Head Tracker, switcher, FPV receiver and small Lipo pack
 &bull。 Adjustable head strap, loops for wire management

EPP Foam goggle case size: 162mm x 170mm x 102mm
Neoprene goggle glove size: 300mm x 230mm
5&rdquo。 TFT monitor resolution: 800 x 480 pixels
Format: PAL/NTSC supported
Supply Voltage: 7 ~ 13V
Focal Length Adjustment: Fresnel Lens
Weight: 376g

*Note: This is the viewing goggles only, and needs to be paired with your favorite Video receiver, transmitter, camera and battery for the full FPV experience.





Our latest version of the Quanum DIY FPV Goggles follow on from the successful version 1 goggles and incorporates some major changes, such as adjustable 3 position head straps, neoprene support glove, and integral storage pockets for Battery, FPV Video Receiver and Head tracker components. The new curved optics fix the hour glassing edges found when using larger LCD screens.

The newly manufactured monitor housing will make your immersive experience even better due to its re-contoured face cut-out with spacing for your nose and even glasses. The neoprene glove and better custom cut out areas for facial contact on the housing assist in making a light tight sea.
Imaging is done by an 800 x 480 super pixel display, and of course non-blue screen monitor that has an option for a forward looking camera using the integrated switching unit to enable you to attach any small FPV camera to the front of your goggles, allowing you to switch between the on board flight image or forward looking camera image making take offs, landings and simply looking for your radio even easier.

 &bull。 New design can be used with glasses
 &bull。 DIY FPV goggle kit for Head Tracker
 &bull。 5&rdquo。 TFT monitor, with curved 3X-magnifying lens for superior FPV experience
 &bull。 Lightweight EPP foam goggle case, designed for face fitting
 &bull。 Neoprene light seal
 &bull。 Focal length adjustment
 &bull。 Quanum Multi-purpose Neoprene goggle glove with pockets for Head Tracker, switcher, FPV receiver and small Lipo pack
 &bull。 Adjustable head strap, loops for wire management

EPP Foam goggle case size: 162mm x 170mm x 102mm
Neoprene goggle glove size: 300mm x 230mm
5&rdquo。 TFT monitor resolution: 800 x 480 pixels
Format: PAL/NTSC supported
Supply Voltage: 7 ~ 13V
Focal Length Adjustment: Fresnel Lens
Weight: 376g

*Note: This is the viewing goggles only, and needs to be paired with your favorite Video receiver, transmitter, camera and battery for the full FPV experience.

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Please upgrade to full version of Magic Zoom Plus™
Quanum 二代 FPV 5吋頭戴視頻眼鏡 DIY 套件組/不藍屏