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Multistar Elite 2204-2300KV 2~3S 小四軸外轉無刷馬達(CW/1入)

  • 商品貨號:GR6161-02
    商品庫存: 10+  
  • 商品重量:0公克(g)
  • 商品點擊數:8028 累計售出:12
  • 本店售價:$650元
    會員評價: comment rank 5
  • 商品總價:
    購買此商品可獲得積分:65 紅利
  • 購買數量:
    可用紅利折抵部分現金:6500 紅利
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2204 馬達是使用 M3 的螺絲,1806 是使用 M2 的螺絲!!

The Turnigy Multistar Elite Outrunners are designed with one thing in mind - maximizing Multi-rotor performance! The new Multistar Elite motors are the new standard in Multirotor performance. Each Elite motor is built for a specific type/application allowing for further refinement and efficacy/power to be optimized.
Multistar Elite motors are more than a fancy name and new dark green color.. Built using the highest quality components from Japan bearings, n45sh Magnets, .2mm laminations, 180deg oxygen free copper wire, .005g balancing, Perfect wind laid down and 100% QC, and then the design of each motor are also evaluated for their type application and everything from their mounting, to the prop type adapters are taken into consideration. The Elite motors are truly works of art
The Elite 2204~2300kv is a precision little gem of a motor designed for the mini range of multi-rotors and optimized for a 5inch prop, perfect for those tighter frames where 5inch props is the maximum. The 2204 has a removable/replaceable knurled prop shaft for those occasional crashes, lol.. And is available in CW/CCW flavors with matching bullet hardware. The lower motor frame is chamfered for easy fitment on tighter frames and has plenty of height for mounting hardware to wingding clearance.
Multistar Elite is unmatched in quality and value, and the performance speaks for its self.

&bull。 Japan Bearings
&bull。 N45SH Magnets
&bull。 .2mm Laminations
&bull。 180deg oxygen free Copper wire
&bull。 .005g Or better balancing
&bull。 Perfect laydown windings
&bull。 100% QC
&bull。 Replaceable CW/CCW prop adapter

KV(RPM/V): 2300KV
Lipo cells: 。 2~3
Max current: 126.5w
Max Amps: 11.5A
No Load Current: 0.6A/10V
Internal Resistance: 0.125 ohm
Number of Poles: 。 12/14
Dimensions(Dia.xL): 22×。4 mm
Motor Shaft: 3mm
prop shaft: 5mm CWx2/CCWx2 prop adapter
Weight: 24g
bolt hole spacing: 16*19 M3
Lamination thickness: .2mm
Magnets: N45SH
Balancing spec: .005g
Wire: 180deg oxygen free
Connectors: 2mm bullet

Prop Data:
12.6V (3S): 。 。 50%=224g 3.7A, 。 。 。 。 。 。 100%= 371g 7.5A
(Hover amps @ 125g thrust=1.7A (x 4=500g=6.8A)
8.4V (2S): 。 。 。 。 50%=120g 2.2A, 。 。 。 。 。 。 100%= 200g 4.3A
(Hover amps @ 125g thrust=2.2A (x 4=500g=8.8A)

5x3x3 (3 blade)
12.6V (3S): 。 。 50%=232g 4.7A, 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 100%= 392g 9.9A
(Hover amps @ 125g thrust=2.0A (x 4=500g=8A)
8.4V (2S): 。 。 。 。 50%=134g 2.7A 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 100%= 221g 6.7A
(Hover amps @ 125g thrust=2.7A (x 4=500g=10.8A)

12.6V (3S): 。 。 50%=385g 7.5A, 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 100%= 591g 9.9A
(Hover amps @ 125g thrust=1.4A (x 4=500g=5.6A)
8.4V (2S): 。 。 。 。 50%=230g 4.8A, 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 100%= 367g 9.7A 。
(Hover amps @ 125g thrust=2.1A (x 4=500g=8.4A)

*Note: Some ESC may have sync issue if you are not running the latest software (SimonK or BLheli), Please make sure you update and configure your esc for this type of motor. 。


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