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Quanum Cyclops FPV 頭戴式視頻眼鏡(含螢幕&40ch接收)

  • 商品貨號:GR5020-08
    商品庫存: 10+  
  • 商品品牌:HobbyKing
  • 商品點擊數:6573 累計售出:28
  • 本店售價:$2650元
    會員評價: comment rank 5
  • 商品總價:
    購買此商品可獲得積分:265 紅利
  • 購買數量:
    可用紅利折抵部分現金:26500 紅利
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Quanum FPV heralds in the new age of lightweight plug &。 play style FPV headsets packed with more features than its closest competitors. Introducing the Quanum Cyclops FPV Goggle.
Lightweight and super comfortable the Quanum Cyclops is one of the best FPV Goggles on the market today using a rear mounted battery pouch for optimum weight distribution and soft sponge rubber facial foam lined with smooth sweatband material for maximum comfort. The one piece molded plastic shell design even allows for those that need to wear glasses during FPV flying.
The 5」, 800 X 480 non blue screen monitor and integrated 40 Channel Raceband compatible receiver maximizes the users immersive FPV experience.
A true Plug and Play solution that is compatible with Jack, XT60 or even 9 Volt style battery plugs can be used with 7.4 to 12.6 Volt power inputs.
No need to be 「One Eyed」 about your next FPV Goggle purchase the Quanum Cyclops is the natural progression, just power it Up, Autoscan to your FPV Channel and your flying, Boom Done!
NOTE: Click here for full Product Profile Video

 &bull。 Plug &。 Play
 &bull。 5"。 TFT Monitor with new 3X magnification lens (內建 5"。 TFT 螢幕 &。 3倍放大鏡)
 &bull。 800 X 480 non-blue screen monitor (解析度 800*380 不藍屏)
 &bull。 Focal length adjustment
 &bull。 New design allows use with glasses
 &bull。 Extra comfortable sponge rubber cushioning strips for facial comfort
 &bull。 Adjustable elastic 3 position head strap
 &bull。 Durable lightweight plastic molded shell
 &bull。 On Screen Menu with adjustable brightness and contrast controls
 &bull。 3 Types of battery connections
 &bull。 1-button Automatic channel scanning
 &bull。 40 channels covering A, B, E, F and Racing bands
 &bull。 7.4 to 12.6v input range (支援 2~3s 電池)

 Operating Voltage: 7.4 -12.6v
 Receiver: 。 -90 dbm ISM 5.8GHz 40ch
 Antenna connections: SMA
 Operating Current: 600mA
 Dimensions: 187(L) x 179(W) x 121(H)mm
 Weight: 390grams without batteries
 。 。 。 重量只有 390g,非常的輕,帶起來也很舒適!!

 1 x Quanum Cyclops FPV Goggle Headset with monitor and receiver
 1 x XT60 power cable
 1 x 9V6F22 power cable
 1 x Dipole antenna
 1 x Spare Fresnel lens
Frequency Range:
 FR1: 5865M 5845M 5825M 5805M 5785M 5765M 5745M 5725M
 FR2: 5733M 5752M 5771M 5790M 5809M 5828M 5847M 5866M
 FR3: 5705M 5685M 5665M 5645M 5885M 5905M 5925M 5945M
 FR4: 5740M 5760M 5780M 5800M 5820M 5840M 5860M 5880M
 FR5: 5658M 5695M 5732M 5769M 5806M 5843M 5880M 5917M

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