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GR5499-06A JST female plug to 2.54mm pitch male jumper lead for a variety of uses.
This lead is the best solution for batteries that are slightly out of balance。 simply plug it into the individual cells on the balance lead, select a 1S charge rate and you can charge them one at a time to ensure they are all at optimum charge.
Only use this method to restore cells that are slightly out of balance and remember that there could be something wrong with one of the cells so keep a close eye on it while charging.Overall length: 100mm
會員名稱 | 購買數量 | 購買時間 | 訂單狀態 |
and***** | 1 | 05-19 | 成交 |
tan***** | 1 | 10-04 | 成交 |
2a2***** | 3 | 04-26 | 成交 |
cjc***** | 4 | 11-07 | 成交 |
win***** | 1 | 02-16 | 成交 |
sou***** | 1 | 01-16 | 成交 |
197***** | 2 | 12-05 | 成交 |
han***** | 4 | 11-21 | 成交 |
aht***** | 1 | 09-30 | 成交 |