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FB-18SZ-02保證 NCC 認證合格的公司貨!!
原文手冊下載 http://manuals.hobbico.com/fut/8j-manual.pdf
更新韌體下載 http://www.futaba-rc.com/software-updates.html
NCC 認證編號 CCAB15LP3350T7
Make the high-end feel more accessibleThe new 18SZ that close to the specification and operability of a high-end model comes with an affordable price.
The large-sized color screen and the touch panel will enable you to operate viscerally.
The 18SZ is compatible with Futaba S-FHSS, T-FHSS, FASST, and FASSTest. If you are already these Futaba radio user,
The 18SZ can use your receivers. Moreover, the 18SZ supports not only airplane and helicopter but also Multicopter.